We are finally working on the brick wall project. We had planned on buying brick veneer, which is a thin slice of brick that you can tile with. Z Brick is sold at Menards and is created to look like real brick, but honestly, I don't like the look of it. And we wanted the look of an old brick wall.
We found a company that sells thin brick in Chicago and had considered driving there to pick it up. But it was, all together, like $700-800. A little pricy for a decorative addition to the house.
We had even looked at making bricks. Thave used-brick molds that you mix concrete, color it and pour. You have to play with the color to achieve the different variations, and paint some of the interior of the molds to get the different whites and black hues. Translation = a TON of work, pun intended.
Frustrated, the fireman had went to visit another brick store and found these real bricks.