Remember this? My Christmas Giveaway?
We have a winner!!! Comment #2 is Jana! Yay!
As I said, I ended up buying one more fun thing for the giveaway the last time I was at JoAnn's just cause I can't resist. I love buying Christmas presents.
So, Jana, email me, Lady. Or Facebook me your snail mail addy. You've got my contact info, I think.
jfs6 @
Friday, the hubby and I dropped off the girl with my parents and the boys were at their mom's.
We got a weekend date night and stayed at a local hotel just for the plain fun of it! I had received a gift card for a free night's stay from my work's Christmas party last year. We had a draw with donated gifts.
We did a day long Christmas shopping trip. I bought a few new sweaters with a giftcard I had. We went out to eat, had a couple glasses of wine and rented a movie to watch. We watched it all cuddled up in hotel robes on a kingsized bed. With popcorn. We know how to live, right?
Sometimes it's important to get away and have alone time. I can't tell you how much I giggled.
So, this last week, we bought our Christmas tree. We normally go cut one down, but last year we had such a hard time getting a good day on the weekend to go do it, I didn't want to wait until just a couple of weeks before Christmas.
As it is, we only have 20 days!!!
So, we went to Sam's Club! They had douglas firs for $29.98!
The youngest boy got to carry it back. The girl wanted to help. She carried the tip...
We set up the tree last Thursday, I think. And there it sat until last night. We brought all of the Christmas decorations down from the attic. They got a lot of roofing junk on them from last spring's roofing fiasco.
Thankfully nothing was damaged, although there was some shingle chunks and a few nails scattered on/in the boxes. Now that the attic is mostly empty, I'm gonna have to sweep the plywood floored sections off so that it's relatively clean again.
We consolidated our holiday decorations into tubs, the fireman's picking up a few more tubs today to replace a few boxes. I'm going to have them all marked and organized.
My Halloween stuff is always crammed in with Christmas so that I rarely get out any Halloween decorations, but end up buying something and then boxing it with Christmas the next year. So, now I have a Halloween tub! Next Halloween, look out! lol
We have one box with 3 angel toppers and tons of pretty bows and ribbons. Some years we top the tree with a big ribbon bow and trail the ribbon down the sides. So, one box is only toppers.
One box is for traditional ornaments, stuff we've collected over the years. Some years, the fireman likes to have a themed tree, last year it was only candy cane's. We had those huge candy cane's with regular ones scattered in as well with a big candy cane colored bow and ribbon trailing down the tree. Pretty!
I should have taken a picture of the mess! The youngest boy walked through it and said, "it looks like Christmas threw up in here." So, now that we're organized and decided on traditional ornaments this year, we realized that none of our tree lights worked.
It was 8pm and we could have decorated, but no, we had no lights. So, we piled the ornament boxes in front of the tree and opened the house decorations box to decorate the rest of the room.
Now that we have knocked that wall down, the space is open and it's more like a grand room. So, it's easier to decorate the whole space, instead of every room of the house.
I have the piano filled with holiday scented candle's cause I'm a nut about candle's and I love Bath & Body Works. I wasn't sure where to hang our stockings. Then it hit me.

It's much more sparkly and magical in person. We trailed the garland between and hung them on the beam's bolts. Very pretty. The picture window across from the couch has another garland strung over it as well. Super fun!
So, the tree has a lone angel on top of it, but nothing else yet. Hopefully, that will get rectified tonight!
We are also hanging some pretty ornaments or beads from our kitchen table light fixture and the fan's. That will bring the sparkle into the room.
That's where I am with decorations.
What have you done for decorating your house?
I won? Yay!! Thanks, Jen for the contest. It was really fun. I'll email you my snail mail, ASAP. :-)
Great idea on the stocking placement. That worked out great. Hope you're able to get some lights soon to finish your tree. We want pictures after, too. :-D
I've just about finished my decorations. I took pics last night but do you think I brought my camera today to upload them? lol Maybe I'll remember tomorrow.
You're very welcome! It was fun. The girl and I had so much fun with it.
I'll make sure to keep an eye out for your pictures tomorrow.
I should be able to get your package out to you tomorrow!
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