
Thursday, September 14, 2006


Tomorrow, I'll be having a Quickbooks pro out to help me with some issues before the auditors come in. So, it's nice and clean for them, but I'll take advantage of him and get him to answer a few questions I have before he leaves. Very nice timing, I think!

After work today, I have to run by Payless or somewhere and get new shoes for my little one. She's 3 now and last spring's tennis shoes do NOT fit her. Yikes! And she needs more jeans too, man she needs to quit growing. :) She still doesn't understand why she can't wear flip flops still. It's just not that warm anymore. Especially in the morning and evening.

Need to start on my Christmas list. Which is a little frustrating, but if I start now, it'll be a lot easier than trying to buy it all at once. I'll start next payday. :)

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